Ok so here's the inks for the newest SPY 6TEEN promo. I'm still not too comfortable inking but there's something about inking that solidifies the art and says this is the end of the lineart. Only colors can come next. A real inker would probably make this piece really zing. But I'm living and learning and enjoying it in the meantime.
DJ, I read the article about "Spy 6teen" in the Advertiser and wondered if you're the same artist Nohea Leong spoke to me about several years ago. Is she a mutual friend. I live in Pepe'ekeo; she told me about a comic/graphic artist in Hilo. Props bu, da artwork is nice. Love the tonfa in the pic above. Reading the newspaper article inspired me to really start writing the piece of fiction I've been putting off...for years. A hui hou, Myles De Coito (mylesdecoito@gmail.com)