Friday, August 7, 2009

Dragon Tiger Gate

Ok I just saw this movie and I wanted to talk about it.

These are the things I lied about the movie;

The action is great. Donnie Yen does an awesome job with the fight choreography and the wire work in most sequences look good. Except for a few instances where it looks clumsy, but I have yet to see a martial arts movie that doesn't overdo the wire work.

There are little details for the fanboys of Oriental Heroes that they put into the movie. One of my favorites is the Gang of Four having face time- Baldy, One-Eyed Draco, 4-Eyed Ming, and Heartbreak Kid. Tony Wong even has a cameo in the movie. I was looking for Guy but unfortunately he wasn't in there.

The actors do a great job bringing these characters to life. NIcholas Tse plays Tiger Wong, Donnie Yen plays Dragon Wong, and Shawn Yue plays Turbo Shek (or Gold Dragon).

I was really impressed at Nicholas Tse's performance as Tiger Wong. He really brought the spirit of what makes Tiger Wong unique in the comics to the movie.

Shawn Yue really played up the likability and playfulness I remember from Gold Dragons character or Turbo Shek. I even heard that both he and Nicholas weren't true martial artists at the time but were trained by Donnie Yen for this movie. I wouldn't know the difference if not for the commentary.

And Donnie Yen plays Dragon Wong. I have nothing to compare that to so I really wouldn't know from a comics perspective if it's acurate or not but he really takes over the movie as the main character, I'll get to this later.

This is what I didn't like.

The story was, well? not badly written but they could have done better.

First of all they're making a movie that has created a huge fanbase from the comics and they should have given the audience what they wanted. The main characters of the comics are Tiger Wong and Gold Dragon. Here they put the emphasis on Dragon Wong, a character who dies early on in the series. The plus side to this is that now that they've got this out the gate it's a perfect set up for a sequel which I hope they'll make and this time get it right. This is what I'd do. I'd hire Donnie Yen as the choreographer and give him a cameo in the beginning as he dies setting up the story for Tiger Wong and Gold Dragon to take down the Lousha Gang (Global Cult). He could have the gnarliest death scene ever. This would bring out the acting chops for Nicholas Tse and Shawn Yue.

The next thing I didn't like was the writting didn't do much for the climax and conclusion of the story. It doesn't do a good job of building up their bad guys. There's a disconnect when Shibumi shows up. He's not developed enough. They give too much time to Tiger and Dragon Wongs relationship. They should have invested more time into making Shibumi dispicable and vial so when the ending battle takes place the audience wants him to be beaten.

The story starts off great with 2 back to back action scenes that rock, but after that the story kind of stalls in places. It gets choppy and the pacing suffers because of it. There's a long draggy area between the beginning and the ending with some cool things in between, but I think they could have paced it better just for balance. I think it's an asian thing but the emotional scenes are really heavy handed. I know it's the same for American movies as well and they serve to connect us to the characters, but here there's just way too many flashback scenes for Tiger and Dragon Wong. Then there's some flashback scenes with Dragon Wong and his girlfriend when they're young too. I see no reason why they had to do that, Dragon has so much screen time and Donnie Yen (to me) does so much with so little. His expressions, his mannerisms suggest so much more than bares saying. Being that he's a martial arts actor I usually don't take him for a serious actor but here he does a great job conveying things without saying them.

There's really no reason to care for ( or remember) the story. I mean there's the whole plaque deal, the gangs and anyone who knows anything about the comics will know that the gangs play a huge role in the story, and then the Gate. But the main point to the story is weakened because Dragon clearly looks and feels out of place in the gangs, so does Kun and his daughter. Here you have 3 good people on the wrong side of the fence. They're given a plaque to continue working with the Lousha Gang who's the top mafia style gang. Our heroes take the plaque, Dragon gets it back and Kun gives the plaque back to the Lousha Gang after having a change of heart. Why the hell is this interesting to us? Who cares just get to the fighting.

With that said though, this story is probably a hundred times better than the comics that would introduce new characters just because and they'd fight on and on and on with no resolution for long periods of time. I wonder if Tiger Wong and Chan Ou Wan ever fight, Does he get his revenge? Or is it like the rabbit and Lucky Charms- if we give him what he wants there's no reason to keep going on with the story. I don't know the American version Oriental Heroes cuts off at issue 55 and just leaves us hanging.

I still loved it. Tiger Wong and Gold Dragon on the big screen with todays technology and level of development. If you're a fan of the series you gotta watch it. Or if you're a kung fu movie fan it's a decent movie. Hopefully the creators will make a sequel that will give the fans who have been faithful to the books what they want- Tiger Wong and Gold Dragon front and center. Bring in Guy, White Sect, Red Sect- Jaws, Red Whale, Fiery Fox, Skeleton Secretary, and Chan Ou Wan and we're in business.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

My computer is down and I'm so pissed. Nothing to show because all my stuff runs off the damn computer.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

It's great to be back in action. My family was down for 2 weeks. Actually my wife got sick first the first week. So that left me to fend for her and the kids. Then the next week they all got sick and I had to fend for all of them. All sick. That sucked I couldn't do anything for 2 weeks creatively. My wife was a trooper though.

But I'm back now!

I just got off CB Cebulskis twitter page and so inspired. Apparently Marvel just hired an artist that did test samples for them but each time he would take in their crits and advice, thus improving each time. I finally have cleaned the sleight from all other obligations just yesterday (for now anyway) and can now focus on the sample scripts CB gave me after I met him in Seattle. Hopefully I get better each time I give him a sample. It's all a matter of really listening to what they say while staying within the sweetspot of how I do my thing. And if I need to expand that sweetspot then that's how it is.

Right now I'm looking at one particular script CB gave me and it's nothing I'm comfortable with. It's so far away from what I have done so far but I feel the need to break out of the mold. Even if it takes me away from my comfort zone and makes me look bad this is the kind of thing Marvel is doing so I have to be able to go the same route as them.

On a seperate note I just finished a double page splash that was so much fun to drawbut took me literally 2 days to put together in photoshop because of mistakes and trial and error yada yada yada. So along with that I'm post the other 2 pages along with it for The King Who Ate Men.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

So we got an article in the Honolulu Advertiser running today. Tim called me last week and got this whole thing rolling. It was really fun doing the interview with Treena. I have yet to see the article, my wife bought a few copies and I'm waiting for her to get home.

Here's a link to the article

The article is watered down compared to the long talk we all had over the phone but that's to be expected. I actually learned alot about Tim because Treena would ask him questions I never thought to ask. Pretty sure it was the same for Tim too. Tim has been awesome the whole tiime I've known him.

Tim you da man!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

I was supposed to draw this for my nephew like 2 months ago. But I just kept forgetting. So I did him a good one.

You know what's really gonna suck?

He's either gonna lose it, rip it, ruin it, or maybe even something worse (god knows only he can) before the end of the day.

That's why I scanned this bad boy!

Venoms costume, like most of Marvels characters, is simple in design, but getting the blacks right is a different story. I'm still learning my shading but I had so much fun with this one.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Ok so here's the inks for the newest SPY 6TEEN promo. I'm still not too comfortable inking but there's something about inking that solidifies the art and says this is the end of the lineart. Only colors can come next. A real inker would probably make this piece really zing. But I'm living and learning and enjoying it in the meantime.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Some new characters from SPY 6TEEN. Cool huh? I really had fun with the James Bond looking dude and the bass player. More so the bass player because I also play music in a band but I play guitar. My brother plays bass. And he's pretty damn good too!

I need to work on that cheerleader and the geeky dude though.